
Adventures with The Rogue Baby started back in early 2012 (over 5 years ago -- what?!?). I had been an avid blog reader for awhile and I love writing, so it seemed like a nifty idea. I had opened my Etsy shop in October 2011 and decided to co-brand. The blog would be my personal blog but I would mix in behind the scenes from the business here and there as well. I did take a bit of a hiatus, but I am back and can't wait to bring you new and interesting content! Thank you for stopping by!


I would love to hear any ideas you may have for giveaways, contests, etc. Want me to host a giveaway? or participate in yours? Feel free to contact me.

If you'd like to have me try out, wear, or review a product or service you have, please feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to consider it.

Are you interested in advertising on the Rogue Baby Blog? Send me an email at theroguebaby@gmail.com with subject Blog Advertising and we'll chat.


  1. I'm loving your sidebar "about me" description. I'm totally still on the coral, mint, and chevron bandwagon even if that was so last year. I can't get enough!!

    1. I am so glad I'm not the only one! =) I'm really like aqua too... I may be guilty of purchasing a mint blazer recently for work though....


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