What did I receive you ask? Well, I got:
Mary Kay® Lash Love® Lengthening™ in I ♥ black, Lash Primer, Cream Eye Color in Violet Storm, Cream Eye Color/Concealer Brush and True Dimensions™ lip stick in Pink Cherie

So what was my favorite item you ask? For me, it was something I've probably heard of, but feel like maybe I haven't. And I wonder where it's been all my life. Lash Primer!!!
Mary Kay® Lash Primer ($15.00) and Mary Kay® Lash Love® Lengthening™ in I ♥ black ($15.00) paired together have given me some great results!

Here's me sporting all of my MK goodies (plus a basic powder -- no foundation, cover up, etc.)
I am also a huge fan of the color of the violet storm eyeshadow. I never would have bought a shade of purple eyeshadow on my own but now I am hooked.
Thank you Influenster for giving me the opportunity to try out these fun products. Next on my list to try from MK? Bronzer, BB Cream, and more of the cream eye colors. What's on your MK wish list? What are you favorite brands of makeup? Any other amazing secrets I should know about (like lash primer?)???

I received these products complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.