Meet Dude! He is our 10 week old French Bulldog / Boston Terrier Mix. Not quite sure if it's a Frenchton or Frenchbo --- seen it both ways. Either way -- he's stinkin' cute. He weighs in at a whopping 6 lbs.

I am new to this whole puppy thing. And the house breaking. And the cleaning up of (as all the dog sites call it) "elimination." Really?
Actually, you'd think with having a three year old, I'd remember the sleepless nights and diaper changes like they were yesterday, but I tell ya what, I've made them a distant memory! Please tell me it gets better? He is so lucky he's so adorable.
And you may ask, Dude? Really? Is that even a dog name? Well, yes. Yes it is. Our puppy got his name, much like our daughter did. Way back when, when we didn't plan on having children, my husband said, "If we ever had a daugther, I would name her Ella." And when we found out we were having a girl, he allowed me to "think" of other names and suggest them briefly, but it all came back to Ella. So a few years back he said, "If we ever get a dog, I want to name him Dude." And while we tossed around some other names. It all came back to Dude.
I personally wanted to name him "Chalka" (think Land of the Lost with Will Ferrell). #dontjudge
We also thought Jack, Ruger, or Winston might have been good fits for him. But at the end of the day, this is our little Dude. I guess I'll get used to it. :)