Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Help! Too Much Cuteness!

Happy Hump Day!

We have a Fan Photo Contest going on now on our Facebook page and I cannot handle all the cuteness!?!! Do you have a photo of you or your little one(s) in The Rogue Baby gear? If so, get your entries in now.

No you say? Well, I still need your help. Please go here and "like" your favorites. The fan photo with the most votes by April 1st wins a shop credit.

Want to enter your photo? Post them to our Facebook Wall or email them to:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello Stranger!

Hello, my name is Ricki and I used to be a blogger. I feel like I have taken a huge hiatus from this little piece of my life. And I wish I had something more exciting to have caused it. But I don't. Life has just happened. I even failed to celebrate my one year blog-iversary. #IamAshamed

I have been blessed with 2013 setting record sales numbers for The Rogue Baby! I appreciate each and every one of those orders that is helping make my little dream a big reality.

Work has been very stressful the past few months, heck... the past year, which will hopefully subside after the official merger and systems conversion next month. Blah!

Our home remodel is slowly chugging along still, with my pantry nearing completion. You have no idea how excited I am for a pantry! Pictures to come soon!

Our baby girl turns 3 next month. And oh yeah, she's been potty trained for quite awhile now. Huge accomplishment and super exciting! I also sewed her a super cute new dress recently.... no pattern. Should I maybe do a tutorial??

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My health has been on a roller coaster ride. Rheumatologists, neurologists, my family doctor, pretty sure they all know me by name. Thank goodness for health insurance!

I am counting down the days to our mini-vacation to one of my most favorite places in the world --- The Oregon Coast!

I am proud to announce that is up and running! It's still in the beginning stages, but it's progress.

I'm going to do my best to not be a stranger anymore, because I kinda like hanging out here!

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